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Check out the Guides and Books below for help with you marketing and promotion needs.

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Your Author Hub Magazine Vol. 1

Your Author Hub Magazine Vol. 2

Your Author Hub Magazine Vol. 3

Your Author Hub Magazine Vol. 4

I am extremely thankful that you are helping me get word out about this book,. THANK YOU!! so much for allowing me to be in your magazine, It means everything to me.
May God richly bless you!
— Christine Young
Author of – Quit Doubting Trust God

Much to my surprise and delight, my book was back on the best-seller list a day or two after it was featured in Lana’s magazine! Thank you, Lana! You’re the best!
–Valerie Riese
Author of Candid Moments –
For When You Just Need a Little Bit of Jesus

Holiday Gift Guide 2020

Holiday Gift Guide 2021

Holiday Gift Guide 2022

This was a great experience and loved being in the guide.

Thank you for allowing us to participate in the Holiday Gift Guide. Great idea!

Thank you for this Collaboration, it was awesome!

Thanks for all you do. Your Holiday Guide was beautiful.

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