The Author Spotlight Interview with Dr. Felisi Sorgwe
Dr. Felisi Sorgwe is an associate professor of theology at Houston Christian University (HCU) where he is the Director of the Center for Exploring Ministry Careers (CEMC). He earned his PhD in Religion degree (with a minor in the Biblical Languages) from Baylor University, after graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Religious Education. He obtained his bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering and mathematics from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA. He is also the pastor of Maranatha International Church in Houston.

I Will Be with You: God’s Favorite Promise
God’s promise of being with us should not be viewed as one pledge of many. Rather, it should be recognized as His favorite promise. God explicitly makes the promise to several individuals throughout the Bible—and Scripture reveals many examples of God being with an individual or demonstrating His presence. Referring to the promise as “a gem that has stayed hidden in plain sight,” this author calls on readers to claim the promise for themselves. He notes that when God promises, “I will be with you,” he means everyone, including the person you see when you look in the mirror.