The Author Spotlight Interview with Dr. Fred DiDomenico
Dr. Fred DiDomenico graduated from LACC in 1987. He quickly found the principle of chiropractic and was inspired to help as many people as possible live the true optimal spine/optimal health lifestyle.
His vision has always been to raise the consciousness of corrective chiropractic in the profession and general public around the world.
He practiced for 14 years in 4 high volume practices seeing up to over 700/week that were corrective care based. He then felt the inspiration and responsibility to create a greater impact on the profession toward spinal correction, so he founded Elite Chiropractic Coaching.
Elite Chiropractic Coaching is the only true corrective chiropractic coaching group and a highly powerful communication and leadership training creating the most advanced corrective chiropractic practices in the profession giving doctors confidence, predictability and an up-to-date business model to create a phenomenally successful culture.
You Are More Powerful Than You Think: A Step by Step Guide to Owning Your Life
What if you could reconnect to the power you hold inside by taking six simple steps? Dr. Fred Didomenico leads you through those steps in this guide to fulfillment that reveals the self-imposed illusions and limitations that thwart success. The steps will awaken your energy, inner enlightenment, and self-awareness in a progressive manner.
As you heal yourself, you’ll also be equipped to empower and enlighten others. You can remember the six steps with a simple acronym: H.E.A.L.E.D., which stands for: • Honor God within yourself. • Exercise loving yourself and others. • Accept and forgive yourself and others. • Live in the now. • Establish your purpose and mission. • Deliver it to the world. No matter what trappings of success you’ve achieved, you may feel frustrated, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled. By facing your pain and fears, you can enjoy peace and love. Join the author on a faith-filled journey, embrace your divinity, and reach your potential with the lessons in You Are More Powerful Than You Think.