The Author Spotlight Interview with Lou Jean Turner

Lou Jean Turner entered this season of her life with courage, determination and confidence. She was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas where she expressed her belief inJesus Christ at the age of fourteen years. She is married to her husband of fifty seven years and they are blessed with four daughters, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She is an anointed Bible teacher and has been blessed at the academic level with a Doctorate in Biblical Studies as well as an Associate degree and two Master’s degrees.
At age seventy-two years Lou Jean Turner accepted the assignment from Yahweh related specifically to participation in the expansion of His kingdom by learning to think like our King. She was inspired and blessed to write and publish the book Developing A Kingdom Mind-Set.


Developing a Kingdom Mind-Set: Learning to Think Like Our King

In the natural world, the process of appropriating a place for ones own use involves planning, organization, and strategies for implementation. Getting to know the people, language, and culture is a valuable asset for effective communication. Possibly the greatest need in succeeding is the provision of a leader to act or speak on behalf of the new government. A person who is knowledgeable of the government and loyal to its king would be an ideal candidate. The key here seems to be an acknowledgment of and commitment to the process.

We first see the process of colonization as Gods choice to make earth an extension of heaventhe place created for Him. God is a spirit, and therefore, we understand that He lives in a spiritual place. It is invisible. The extension, however, is visible. It is a garden given to His creation, humankind, with instructions.

There is evidence that socialization, education, empowerment, and complementary relationships are parts of the preparation process of those who are made representatives of heavens government. Gods design for teaching humankind to think like He thinks is the perfect blue-print.

It seems that as believers, children of God, and kingdom citizens, we have not completed the process. We must move from being believers to kingdom representatives. We must learn to think like our King, which will be reflected in our behavior. Having developed a kingdom mind-set, we must then help other believers experience the process.